Any problem, any application—dahl has the solution
We manufacture premium quality valves and components for plumbing and heating applications. The versatility and functionality of our products ensures we have a solution for all connections . Made in Canada using American brass, our valves are built to last a lifetime. Pick up a dahl valve and feel the difference.
Outlet Box Valves
For use with common pipe types and available with or without a shank nut, dahl’s outlet box valves simplify your next washing machine or icemaker install.
Outlet Box Valves
Hose Valves
Our hose valves are designed for both indoor and outdoor use and are ideal for washing machines and garden hoses. Available in male and female hose connections, with tamper-resistant loose key operation, a drip cap or cap and chain, and in ½ FEM solder or ½ MIP connection.

Globe Stops
Save time with dahl’s globe style compression stops. Our unique spring-loaded self-adjusting packing system ensures you don’t have to return to the job to adjust the packing nut. No need to disassemble before soldering. Also available with Lockshield.
Globe Stops
Partition Stops
No space, no problem—our partition stops are designed for multi-residential properties and eliminate the need for access boxes where space is at a premium. The Partition Stop Plate allows for direct access, ensuring quick and easy shut-off.
Partition Stops
mini-ball Valves
dahl was the first to bring the ¼ turn supply stop to North America in 1984. See all available mini-ball™ valves and components.
mini-ball™ Valves